Computer Science

Academic |


Understand the importance of technology

Runali Deb Roy

Last Update : 24 Jan 2023


Course Overview

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus is an important study tool for CBSE board students in Class 12. It is also critical for Class 12 students to understand the subject's syllabus for the next academic year 2022-23. The CBSE Class 12 Computer Science curriculum includes information on the course structure and practicals that students will learn in the academic year 2022-2023. To do well in their CBSE board Class 12 Computer Science test, CBSE Class 12 students must study all of the courses covered in the syllabus.

What You'll Learn

  • Recognize the concepts of functions and recursion.
  • Discover how to build and use Python libraries.
  • Learn about basic data structures such as lists, stacks, and queues.
  • Learn the fundamentals of computer networks.
  • Learn SQL aggregation functions by connecting a Python program to an SQL database.

Course Content

65 Lessons 45m

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2022-23

Students can access the most recent CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus PDF by clicking the link below. Going over the syllabus will help students understand the topics they will cover in Computer Science during the academic year.

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science

This CBSE Class 12 Computer Science program will provide students like you with a thorough and rigorous education in the subject of computer science. The course prepares students for exams, future studies in computer science and related subjects, and employment in the technology industry by covering a wide variety of topics such as programming languages, data structures, computer networks, and databases.


Students will have the chance to acquire vital skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication during the course, which will be useful in any sector. Students can use their knowledge and acquire hands-on experience by working on real projects and assignments.

Importance of Computer Science Class 12

The goal of the class project is to produce something tangible and useful by utilizing Python file handling and Python-SQL connectivity. Students should begin this at least 6 months before the submission deadline, in groups of two to three. The goal here is to identify a real-world problem worth solving.

Students are encouraged to go to local businesses and ask about their problems. For example, if a company is having difficulty creating invoices for GST claims, students can work on a project that takes the raw data (list of transactions), groups the transactions by category, accounts for GST tax rates, and generates invoices in the appropriate format. Students can be extremely inventive in this setting. They can use a wide range of Python libraries to create user-friendly applications such as games, school software, software for their disabled classmates, and mobile applications. Of course, some of these projects will necessitate some additional learning, which should be encouraged.

Importance of Computer Science Class 12

Course Structure


Unit 1: Programming and Computational Thinking (PCT-2)
4 ratings 4 reviews

  1.  Revision of the basics of Python 
  2. Functions: scope, parameter passing, mutable/immutable properties of data objects, pass arrays to functions, return values, functions using libraries: mathematical, and string functions.  
  3. File handling: open and close a file, read, write, and append to a file, standard input, output, and error streams, relative and absolute paths. 
  4. Using Python libraries: create and import Python libraries  
  5. Recursion: simple algorithms with recursion: factorial, Fibonacci numbers; recursion on arrays: binary search 
  6. The idea of efficiency: performance is defined as inversely proportional to the wall clock time, counting the number of operations a piece of code is performing, and measuring the time taken by a program. Example: take two different programs for the same problem, and understand how the efficient one takes less time.  
  7. Data visualization using Pyplot: line chart, pie chart, and bar chart.
  8.  Data-structures: lists, stacks, queues


Unit 2: Computer Networks (CN)
4 ratings 4 reviews

  1. Structure of a network: Types of networks: local area and wide area (web and internet), new technologies such as cloud and IoT, public vs. private cloud, wired and wireless networks; the concept of a client and server.
  2.  Network devices such as a NIC, switch, hub, router, and access point.
  3.  Network stack: amplitude and frequency modulation, collision in wireless networks, error checking, and the notion of a MAC address, the main idea of routing. IP addresses: (v4 and v6), routing table, router, DNS, and web URLs, TCP: the basic idea of retransmission, and rate modulation when there is congestion (analogy to a road network), Protocols: 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi. What makes a protocol have a higher bandwidth? 
  4. Basic network tools: traceroute, ping, ipconfig, nslookup, whois, speed-test
  5.  Application layer: HTTP (basic idea), working of email, secure communication: encryption and certificates (HTTPS), network applications: remote desktop, remote login, HTTP, FTP, SCP, SSH, POP/IMAP, SMTP, VoIP, NFC.

Course Instructor

Shruti Koli
25 Tutorials 100 Students

It's an incredible programme, and the professors are also fantastic and make the concepts extremely easy to understand...and the customer support is also nice.....I urge everyone to use this app to better their studies...everything is good overall.

Ravikant Sharma
25 Tutorials 100 Students

It's incredible because when you subscribe for courses, they appear promptly on your dashboard, and we have alternatives for asking questions as well. The answer is provided in minutes.

Start Learning Today

Financial aid available
  • Taught by top companies and universities
  • Affordable programs
  • Apply your skills with hands-on projects
  • Learn on your own schedule
  • Course videos and readings
  • Graded quizzes and assignments
  • Shareable Certificate upon completion
Shareable on certificate You can share your Certificate in the Certifications section of your LinkedIn profile, on printed resumes, CVs, or other documents.

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