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Class 5 is an important time for students to strengthen the skills they have acquired in the lower primary even further in preparation for the upper primary.

Runali Deb Roy

Last Update : 24 Feb 2023


Unlock the Power of English Language

English is the major and most important language, and it is used all across the world. Science, aviation, computing, diplomacy, and tourism all use this language. Learning the language will boost your confidence in the workplace. Each career opportunity requires a basic understanding of English, both for work and for communication.

Class 5 The English curriculum is divided into two parts. The first part is Literature, while the second is Language. The syllabus is divided into four parts.

Develop Language Skills, Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension

  • Helps learners develop a basic fluency in the language, particularly in listening with understanding and basic oral output.
  • Enjoy doing activities in English (such as singing a rhyme or recognizing a person, object, or thing).
  • Associate meaning with written/printed language.
  • Get visually familiar with text [word(s)], what it means, and to identify its components letter (s) and the sound-values they stand for.

Course Content

10 Lessons 45m

CBSE Class 5 English Syllabus

English is the Global Communication Language. Although English is not the most widely spoken language on the planet, it is the official language of 53 countries and is spoken by over 400 million people worldwide. Being able to communicate in English is more than just being able to talk with native English speakers; it is the most widely spoken second language on the planet.

What is the importance of learning English?

The English language bridges the gap between nations and allows everyone to get widespread exposure. The use of English as the primary means of communication has resulted in an increase in international contacts in areas such as travel and tourism, education, commerce, entertainment, science, technology, and so on. Individuals can get worldwide reach by learning English.

Use of Class 5 English

English is the world's current language. This means that learning English makes it much easier to travel anywhere you choose. Plane declarations, scheduled timetables, emergency information, and road signs, for example, are frequently translated into English, particularly in countries that use a different type of letter set.

Use of Class 5 English

Course Structure


Unit 1: Ice-cream Man
5 ratings 4 reviews

Wonderful Waste!


Unit 2: Teamwork
5 ratings 4 reviews

Flying Together


Unit 3: My Shadow
5 ratings 4 reviews

Robinson Crusoe Discovers a footprint

Course Instructor

Shruti Koli
20 Tutorials 100 Students

These websites are pretty cool; I'm glad I got them; they're quite helpful; we can view films through animation on them.

Ravikant Sharma
20 Tutorials 100 Students

This website is beneficial to students. It has helped students in their exam preparation. Thank you to the Matriye Academy Team.

Start Learning Today

Financial aid available
  • Taught by top companies and universities
  • Affordable programs
  • Apply your skills with hands-on projects
  • Learn on your own schedule
  • Course videos and readings
  • Graded quizzes and assignments
  • Shareable Certificate upon completion
Shareable on certificate You can share your Certificate in the Certifications section of your LinkedIn profile, on printed resumes, CVs, or other documents.

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